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import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.integrate import odeint'fivethirtyeight')
Module 05 - project build an example#
This is your chance to build something important to you and/or your career. If you’re interested in cars you can create a drivetrain model. If you want to get into biomechanics you can model an orthopedic joint or build a 2D model of someone walking. If you love toys (I know Prof. Cooper does!) you can model a yoyo spinning on a cord or a spinning top or measure the coefficient of restitution of a bouncy ball on concrete.
Some tips:
start simple its often easier to add complexity rather than remove complexity if you’re considering a 6-DOF system, try a 1-DOF part, then add components incrementally
use what you have you have working models for four-bar linkages, pendulums, and a yoyo despinning mechanism can you take your system and model a piece of it as a pendulum? is angular momentum conserved?
communicate let us know what you’re working on simple sketches are great! don’t get hung up on a final result until you have some sketches and conversations
always draw a FBD this step is so often skipped, but its really where the bulk of your engineering work is decided. The FBD is your main contribution to any engineering project, everything else is a combination of puzzle-solving and applied mathematics
Proposed Outline:#
What are you trying to model?
How are you simplifying the model (here: aim for rigid bodies, massless springs, etc.)
Draw a free body diagram and show the motion
Model and method#
Show how you create your model: aim to explain to another student in CE2120
State your assumptions, constants, equations
Show your analysis
What is important about your result? Show a graph or two to demonstrate what’s important
Wrapping up#
What was the original goal in your background? How did you meet the goal?
What was an interesting fact you learned from this analysis? Did it change how you see this device?
Any next steps? were there missing parts to the analysis? how could you make it better?