Reference Material: Videos + Notes

Reference Material: Videos + Notes#

Applying Newtonian Mechanics Notes here#

Textbook reference#

Focus on:

  1. Example 3.1 - Solving a pendulum equation using Cartesian coordinates

  2. Example 3.3 - Satellite tracking

  3. Example 3.4 - Pendulum using different coordinates

  4. Example 3.5 - Inclined plane

  5. Example 3.12 - Particle on a spring free to move in a plane

  6. Section 3.5 - The Polar frame and fictional forces

  7. Example 3.14 - Pendulum in an accelerating box

  8. tutorial 3.3 - Particle on a hemisphere

  9. Example 9.6 - the moment of a couple

  10. Example 9.9 - Disk rolling down an incline plane

  11. Example 9.15 - The compound pendulum