Submitting and tracking your assignments

Submitting and tracking your assignments

This course is designed to help you build a dynamics modeling portfolio. You will build eight Jupyter notebooks throughout the semester that demonstrate different models of motion, forces, and computational approaches. You will also complete eight 20-minute quizzes based upon the readings and lecture videos.

Portfolio-based grading

All of the work you do in this course is yours. You can publish it as a website, you can share it with friends or colleagues, or use it to build something new and interesting to you. You just need to maintain the creative commons license and add your own intellectual ideas to the work.

I encourage you to continue to work on and improve all the work you put into this course.

Note on Python + Jupyter assignments

We (myself and the TA) will provide feedback on your homeworks and quizzes. This course uses Python and Jupyter to build models of multibody dynamic systems. Python and Jupyter are tools we use to make engineering easier, they are not meant to create new barriers to engineering. If you receive errors, make mistakes, or just feel lost programming, then share what you’re trying to do and I am happy to provide code that can be modified for your use case. You can also resubmit work to improve your grade.