import numpy as np
from numpy import sin,cos,pi
from scipy.linalg import *
from scipy.optimize import fsolve,root
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'fivethirtyeight')
from IPython.display import YouTubeVideo

Homework #7 Kinematics

Kinematics is the study of the geometry of motion e.g. definitions of position, velocity, and acceleration

In this notebook we will explore kinematically-driven systems where the system degrees of freedom, \(n_{d}=0 = 3\times n_b -n_c\), for planar problems. \(n_b\) bodies moving in a plane have \(3\times n_b\) degrees of freedom and the number of constraints is \(n_c\).

Coordinate system of rigid body,

In the figure above, there are three position vectors, \(\mathbf{r}^{i}\), \(\mathbf{R}^{i}\), and \(\mathbf{u}^{i}\) and two coordinate systems, \(X\)-\(Y\) and \(X^{i}\)-\(Y^{i}\).

The \(X^{i}\)-\(Y^{i}\) coordinate system moves with the rigid body and the point P is always in a fixed position \(\mathbf{\bar{u}}^{i}_{P}=\bar{x}^{i}_{P}\hat{i}^{i}+\bar{y}^{i}_{P}\hat{j}^{i}\) in this coordinate system.

\(\mathbf{u}^{i}_{P} = \left[ \begin{array}{cc} \cos \theta^i & -\sin \theta^i \\ \sin \theta^i & \cos \theta^i \\ \end{array} \right] \left[\begin{array}{c} \bar{x}^{i}_{P} \\ \bar{y}^{i}_{P}\end{array}\right]\)



def rotA(theta):
    '''This function returns a 2x2 rotation matrix to convert the 
    rotated coordinate to the global coordinate system
    input is angle in radians
    theta : angle in radians
    A : 2x2 array to rotate a coordinate system at angle theta to global x-y
    A=np.array([[np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta)],
               [np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]])
    return A
array([[ 0.5      , -0.8660254],
       [ 0.8660254,  0.5      ]])

Slider crank 3-body mechanism

Figs. Slider crank mechanism and body coordinate systems.

Computational Kinematics of Slider crank

Here you will create the computational kinematics of the slider crank in Fig. 3.35-3.36 above.

The first kinematic problem will drive the slider crank with a constraint $\(\theta^{1} = \omega t +\theta_0\)$

where \(\omega = 150~rad/s\) and \(\theta_0=\pi/6~rad\).

Below you set up the function to return the constraint equations,

\(\mathbf{C}(\mathbf{q},t)\) = C_slidercrank(q,t)

def links(l1 = 0.075*2, l2 = 0.175*2):
    '''function to define lengths of links for bodies 2 and 3 
    in Fig. 3.35-3.36
    l1 : length of body one, default 0.150 m
    l2 : lenght of body two, default 0.250 m
    l1, l2 : link lengths for bodies 1 and 2 
    return l1,l2
def C_slidercrank(q,t):
    '''9 constraint equations for 9 generalized coords
       q=[R1,     a1,  R2,  ,a2,  R3,  ,a3]
         [0,1     2    3,4   5    6,7   8 ]
          /  \    slider-crank mechanism
         O   |3| 
    q : numpy array for 9 generalized coordinates for bodies 1-3 in the slider crank
        q = [q1, q2, q3]
    t : current time
    C : 9 constraint equation evaluations
    q1 = q[0:3]
    q2 = q[3:6]
    q3 = q[6:9]

    C[0:2] = q1[0:2]+rotA(q1[2])@np.array([-l1/2, 0])
    C[2:4] = q1[0:2]-q2[0:2]+rotA(q1[2])@np.array([l1/2, 0])-rotA(q2[2])@np.array([-l2/2, 0])
    C[4:6] = q2[0:2]-q3[0:2]+rotA(q2[2])@np.array([l2/2, 0])-rotA(q3[2])@np.array([0, 0])
    C[6] = q3[1]
    C[7] = q3[2]
    C[8] = q1[2] - pi/6 - 150*t
    return C

Problem 1

Solve for \(\mathbf{q}(t=0) = [R_x^1,~R_y^1, \theta^1,~R_x^2,~R_y^2, \theta^2,~R_x^3,~R_y^3, \theta^3]\) using the given system definitions:

  • \(l_1 = 0.15~m\)

  • \(l_2 = 0.25~m\)

  • \(\theta^1(t) = 150t+\frac{\pi}{6}\)

Show that C_slidercrank(q0, 0) \(=\mathbf{0}\).

## your work here

Set up solution for \(\mathbf{C}(\mathbf{q},~t)\)

Next, set up the \(9\times 9\) Jacobian of

  1. Set up the \(\mathbf{A}_\theta\) function as A_theta

  2. each pin \(\mathbf{C_{q,~pin}}=\frac{\partial\mathbf{C_{pin}}}{\partial\mathbf{q}}\)=Cq_pin

  3. the total system: \(\mathbf{C_{q}}=\frac{\partial\mathbf{C}}{\partial\mathbf{q}}\)=Cq_slidercrank

def A_theta(theta):
    '''This function returns a 2x2 rotation matrix derivative 
    input is angle in radians
    theta : angle in radians
    dAda : 2x2 array derivative of `rotA`
    dAda=np.array([[-np.sin(theta), -np.cos(theta)],
                   [np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta)]])
    return dAda
def Cq_pin(qi, qj, ui, uj):
    '''Jacobian of a pinned constraint for planar motion

    qi : generalized coordinates of the first body, i [Rxi, Ryi, thetai]
    qj : generalized coordinates of the 2nd body, i [Rxj, Ryj, thetaj]
    ui : position of the pin the body-i coordinate system
    uj : position of the pin the body-j coordinate system
    Cq_pin : 2 rows x 6 columns Jacobian of pin constraint Cpin
    Cq_1=np.block([np.eye(2), A_theta(qi[2])@ui[:,np.newaxis] ])
    Cq_2=np.block([-np.eye(2), -A_theta(qj[2])@uj[:,np.newaxis] ])
    Cq_pin=np.block([Cq_1, Cq_2])
    return Cq_pin
def Cq_slidercrank(q,t):
    '''return Jacobian of C_slidercrank(q,t) = dC/dq_i
       |dC1/dR1x dC1/dR1y ... dC9/da3 |
       |dC2/dR1x dC2/dR1y ... dC9/da3 |
       |... ..     .           ...    |
       |            .                 |
       |             .                |
       |dC9/dR1x ...         dC9/da3  |
    q : numpy array for 9 generalized coordinates for bodies 1-3 in the slider crank
        q = [q1, q2, q3]
    t : current time
    Cq : 9 rows x 9 columns Jacobian of constraints `C_slidercrank`   
    l1, l2 = links()
    q1 = q[0:3]
    q2 = q[3:6]
    q3 = q[6:9]
    Cq[0:2, 0:3] = Cq_pin(q1, np.array([0, 0, 0]),np.array([-l1/2, 0]),np.array([0, 0]))[0:2, 0:3]
    Cq[2:4, 0:6] = Cq_pin(q1, q2, np.array([l1/2, 0]), np.array([-l2/2, 0]))
    Cq[4:6, 3:10] = Cq_pin(q2, q3, np.array([l2/2, 0]), np.array([0, 0]))
    Cq[6:8, 7:10] = np.eye(2)
    Cq[8, 2]=1
    return Cq

Solve for \(\mathbf{q(t)}\)

Now, you solve for 1 full rotation of the driven crank.

t= 0-360\(^o\) = 0-2\(\pi\)/150

The solution requires an initial guess for the generalized coordinates, \(\mathbf{q}\), set as q0. It is updated at each timestep to find the next solution. Here, you use the Jacobian of \(\mathbf{C}\), \(\mathbf{C_q}\), by specifying the fprime = lambda q: Cq_slidercrank.

t = np.linspace(0, 2*pi/150)
q0 = np.array([0, 0.5, pi/6, 0, 0.5, pi/3, 0.5, 0, 0])
q = np.zeros((len(q0), len(t)))
q[:, 0] = q0
for i,tt in enumerate(t):
    q[:,i]=fsolve(lambda q: C_slidercrank(q,tt),q0,\
                    fprime= lambda q: Cq_slidercrank(q,tt)) # <-- use the Jacobian to speed up solution

Now, you can create the same figures as Shabana ch 3

Fig. 3.37. Orientation of the connecting rod

Fig. 3.37. Displacement of the slider block

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x70099bbd0670>]

Problem 2

Recreate the displacement of the slider block graph in Fig. 3.38 from your solution.

## your work here

Animate the motion for constant \(\dot{\theta}^1\)

Next, you animate the motion of the system. Below, you create

  1. plot_shape to create lines and markers to represent links and the sliding base

  2. a figure that shows the path of the two link centers of mass 3.init to initialize the animation

  3. animate to update the two links and sliding base

  4. FuncAnimation to display the motion of the slidercrank system

def plot_shape(shape,dims,q):
    function to plot a shape based upon the shape dimensions and coordinates
    shape: either 'link' or 'base',
            - the link returns two points to plot as a line
            - the base returns one point to plot as a marker
            - if neither 'link' or 'base' are chosen, then 0 is returned and warning printed 
            `choose a \'link\' or \'base\' please`
    dims: the dimensions of the shape
            - the link uses the first value as the length
            - the base ignores the `dims`
    q: generalized coordinates in the form [Rx, Ry, theta]
            - the link returns the center of the link at (Rx, Ry) and oriented at theta
            - the base returns the center at (Rx, Ry) and ignores theta
    datax: coordinates to plot the x-positions
    datay: coordinates to plot the y-positions
            - the link returns array of length 2
            - the base returns array of length 1

    if shape=='link':
        left = rotA(q[2])@np.array([-dims[0]/2, 0])
        right = rotA(q[2])@np.array([dims[0]/2, 0])
        Px=q[0]+np.array([left[0], right[0]])
        Py=q[1]+np.array([left[1], right[1]])
        datax = Px
        datay = Py
        #l,= plt.plot(Px,Py,'o-')
        return datax, datay
    elif shape=='base':
        data = [Px, Py]
        return data
        print('choose a \'link\' or \'base\' please')
        return 0

2. initialize the lines and coordinate system

q1 = q[0:3, :]
q2 = q[3:6, :]
q3 = q[6:9, :]
l1, l2 = links()

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
link1, = ax.plot([], [], linewidth = 10)
link2, = ax.plot([], [], linewidth = 10)
body3, = ax.plot([], [], 's', markersize = 20)
path1, = ax.plot(q1[0, :], q1[1, :])
path2, = ax.plot(q2[0, :], q2[1, :])
ax.set_xlim((-0.25, 0.5))
ax.set_ylim((-0.25, 0.25))
ax.set_xlabel('X-axis (m)')
ax.set_ylabel('Y-axis (m)')
ax.set_title('Slider crank motion and paths')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Slider crank motion and paths')

3. and 4. create your init and animation functions to update the lines on the plot

Create an initializing (init) function that clears the previous lines and markers

Create an animating (animate) function that updates the link, base, and path

def init():
    link1.set_data([], [])
    link2.set_data([], [])
    body3.set_data([], [])
    return (link1, link2, body3)
def animate(i):
    '''function that updates the line and marker data
    i: index of timestep
    link1: the line object plotted in the above ax.plot(...)
    link2: the line object plotted in the above ax.plot(...)
    body3: the marker for the piston in the slider-crank
    l1, l2 = links()
    datax, datay = plot_shape('link', np.array([l1]), q1[:, i])
    link1.set_data(datax, datay)
    datax, datay = plot_shape('link', np.array([l2]), q2[:, i])
    link2.set_data(datax, datay)
    pinx, piny = plot_shape('base', [], q3[:,i])
    body3.set_data(pinx, piny)
    return (link1, link2, body3, )

4. display the result in an HTML video

Import the animation and HTML functions. Then, create an animation (anim) variable using the animation.FuncAnimation

from matplotlib import animation
from IPython.display import HTML
anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, init_func=init,
                               frames=range(0,len(t)), interval=50, 

Velocity and Acceleration

Differentiating the constraint equations, \(\mathbf{Cq}=\mathbf{0}\),

\(\mathbf{C_q \dot{q}}+\mathbf{C}_t=\mathbf{0}\) (3.119)


\(\mathbf{C}_t = \left[\frac{\partial C_1}{\partial t} \frac{\partial C_2}{\partial t} ... \frac{\partial C_n}{\partial t}\right]^T\) (3.120)

Solve for velocity \(\mathbf{\dot{q}_i}\) as such

\(\mathbf{C_q \dot{q}}=-\mathbf{C}_t\) (3.121)

Differentiating \(\mathbf{Cq}=\mathbf{0}\) twice leads to the acceleration equation

\(\mathbf{C_q \ddot{q}}+ \left(\mathbf{C_q \dot{q}}\right)_{\mathbf{q}}\mathbf{\dot{q}}+ 2\mathbf{C}_{\mathbf{q}t}\mathbf{\dot{q}}+ \mathbf{C}_{tt}=\mathbf{0}\) (3.123)

Solve for acceleration \(\mathbf{\ddot{q}}\) as such

\(\mathbf{C_q \ddot{q}}=\mathbf{Q}_d\)


\(\mathbf{Q}_d=-\left(\mathbf{C_q \dot{q}}\right)_{\mathbf{q}}\mathbf{\dot{q}}- 2\mathbf{C}_{\mathbf{q}t}\mathbf{\dot{q}}- \mathbf{C}_{tt}\)

For the current slider crank system,

\(\mathbf{Q}_d= \left[\begin{array} ~(\dot{\theta}^1)^2\mathbf{A}^1\mathbf{\bar{u}}^{1}_{A}\\ (\dot{\theta}^1)^2\mathbf{A}^1\mathbf{\bar{u}}^{1}_{B}-(\dot{\theta}^2)^2\mathbf{A}^2\mathbf{\bar{u}}^{2}_{B}\\ (\dot{\theta}^2)^2\mathbf{A}^2\mathbf{\bar{u}}^{i}_{C}\\ 0\\ 0\\ 0\end{array}\right]\)

Here, you set up vel_acc(q,t) to return velocity and acceleration of \(\mathbf{q_{i}}\) components as \(\frac{d\mathbf{q}}{dt}\) and \(\frac{d^2\mathbf{q}}{dt^2}\) (dq and ddq, respectively)

def Qd_slidercrank(q, dq, t):
    '''return slidercrank Qd = Cq@ddq

    q : numpy array for 9 generalized coordinates for bodies 1-3 in the slider crank
        q = [q1, q2, q3]
    t : current time
    Qd : 1D array with length 9     
    l1, l2 = links()
    q1 = q[0:3]
    q2 = q[3:6]
    q3 = q[6:9]
    dq1 = dq[0:3]
    dq2 = dq[3:6]
    dq3 = dq[6:9]
    Qd[0:2] = dq1[2]**2*rotA(q1[2])@np.array([-l1/2, 0])
    Qd[2:4] = dq1[2]**2*rotA(q1[2])@np.array([l1/2, 0]) -\
              dq2[2]**2*rotA(q2[2])@np.array([-l2/2, 0])
    Qd[4:6] = dq2[2]**2*rotA(q2[2])@np.array([l2/2, 0])
    Qd[6:9] = 0
    return Qd 

def Ct_slidercrank(q, t):
    '''return slidercrank partial derivative of constraints dC/dt

    q : numpy array for 9 generalized coordinates for bodies 1-3 in the slider crank
        q = [q1, q2, q3]
    t : current time
    Ct : 1D array with length 9
    Ct = np.zeros(9)
    Ct[8] = -150
    return Ct
t = np.linspace(0, 2*pi/150)
q0 = np.array([0, 0.5, pi/6, 0, 0.5, pi/3, 0.5, 0, 0])
q = np.zeros((len(q0), len(t)))
dq = np.zeros(q.shape)
ddq = np.zeros(q.shape)
q[:, 0] = q0
for i, ti in enumerate(t):
    q[:, i] = fsolve(lambda q: C_slidercrank(q, ti),q0,\
                    fprime= lambda q: Cq_slidercrank(q, ti)) # <-- use the Jacobian to speed up solution
    dq[:, i] = np.linalg.solve(Cq_slidercrank(q[:,i], ti), -Ct_slidercrank(q[:, i], ti))
    Qd = Qd_slidercrank(q[:, i], dq[:, i], ti)
    ddq[:, i] = np.linalg.solve(Cq_slidercrank(q[:,i], ti), Qd)
    q0=q[:, i]

Fig. 3.38 velocity components

Fig. 3.39 acceleration components

Recreate the plots with your solution

Here, you can plot the terms \(\dot{\mathbf{q}}\) and \(\ddot{\mathbf{q}}\) to compare to the Shabana solutions shown above in Figs 3.38-39. Try plotting \(\dot{\theta}^2,~\ddot{\theta}^2,~\dot{R}^3_x,~and~\ddot{R}^3_x\)

Problem 3

Change the constraints for the slidercrank such that




Recreate Figs. 3.43-3.48 for the slidercrank.