HW_05 - Customer wait time

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numpy.random import default_rng

HW_05 - Customer wait time#

In the waiting for bus example, we saw a difference between how long we expect the bus interval to be vs how long we experience a bus interval to be.

Now, consider creating parts on demand for customers. We’ll take an example of folding a paper airplane. We need some data to start:

  1. Follow the paper airplane instructions and make one airplane

  2. Edit the instructions to make it easier to follow

  3. With your new process: time yourself making one airplane at-a-time and make 5 or 6 airplanes

  4. With one hand, try to make a paper airplane and time the process (time process this at least 2 times)

What is this data meant to show#

We, engineers, often prescribe processes and procedures that seem to make sense, but can ignore the people that need to do the work. The process of create-try-edit-repeat should be an integral part of your writing and design process. The one-handed folding procedure could simulate many scenarios:

  • someone multitasking

  • someone with an injury/unuseable hand

  • anything else?

When we consider a process, its important to think about the different people that are required to make the process happen.

Next steps#

With your times recorded, you can use the average and standard deviations to find the times when parts will be ready as a function of time. Use the difference between the predicted and observed cumulative distribution functions to predict how long your customers will have to wait on paper airplanes.

N_assemblies = 1000

avg_part_time = 1.0

part_ready = np.arange(1, N_assemblies+1)*avg_part_time
rng = default_rng(42)

std_part_time = 1/6

part_ready += rng.normal(loc = 0, 
                         scale = std_part_time, 
                         size = N_assemblies)

plt.hist(np.diff(part_ready)*60, density=True)
plt.xlabel('time between parts (min)')
Text(0.5, 0, 'time between parts (min)')
part_time_diff = np.diff(part_ready)*60

count, bins_count = np.histogram(part_time_diff, bins=50)
pdf = count / sum(count)
cdf = np.cumsum(pdf) 
plt.plot(bins_count[1:], cdf)
plt.hlines([0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1], 
          alpha = 0.2, 
          colors = 'r')
plt.title('Cumulative Distribution of part intervals')
plt.ylabel('relative count')
plt.xlabel('minutes between parts')
Text(0.5, 0, 'minutes between parts')
num_people = 500
people_arrival = rng.random(num_people)*N_assemblies
person_wait = np.zeros(len(people_arrival))
obs_part_interval = np.zeros((len(part_ready), 2))
for i, part_time in enumerate(part_ready[:-1]):
    people_get_part = np.size(people_arrival[
    obs_part_interval[i, 0] = part_ready[i+1] - part_time
    obs_part_interval[i, 1] = people_get_part
obs_part_interval = obs_part_interval[obs_part_interval[:, 0].argsort()]
         label = 'CDF measured'

cdf_obs = np.cumsum(obs_part_interval[:, 1])/num_people

plt.plot(obs_part_interval[:, 0]*60, 
        label = 'CDF observed')

plt.hlines([0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1], 
          alpha = 0.2, 
          colors = 'r')
plt.title('Cumulative Distribution of Bus intervals')
plt.ylabel('relative count')
plt.xlabel('minutes between parts')
Text(0.5, 0, 'minutes between parts')