Day_01 - Julia in the Jupyter notebook

Getting Conda and Julia to meet

I reinstalled Julia via

pacman -Syu julia,

then created a conda environment to build a clean Jupyter notebook.

  1. conda create -n julia

  2. conda activate julia

  3. conda install jupyterlab

Then, I had to rebuild the IJulia package:


Now, I’m up and running in the Jupyter notebook. Pretty cool so far.

Playing with some vector math and notation

x = [1, 2, 3];

It looks like Julia suppresses output with the ; like Matlab.

[1 2 3]

This was an interesting choice here. The default shape for a vector is 1D, e.g. (N, ), but you need to do a tranpose to multiply vectors either dot product or outer product

[1 2 3; 2 4 6; 3 6 9]

The result is that the 1D vector has an implicit second dimension. This is like Matlab. A (3, ) vectors is really treated as a (3, 1) column vector.

There are some cool Linear Algebra things I might be able to build with this kind of framework.

print("size(x) = ", size(x))
print("\nsize(transpose(x)) = ", size(transpose(x)))
size(x) = (3,)
size(transpose(x)) = (1, 3)

Plotting first time to plot

Man, I really thought I messed something up with my first plot. It was taking forever. Then, I tried it in the REPL and same thing. Then, I found the first time to plot (issue?). It seems that getting the Julia environment ready to display data takes some computational work.

using Plots
x = range(-5, 5, length = 50)
y = x.^2
plot(x, y)

In Matplotlib, the more plots you add, the more lines you have. Here it looks like the lines get overwritten more like Matlab. Ah, but adding a plot! adds the lines to the current plot.

plot(x, x.^3)
plot!(x, x.^2)
plot!(x, 1/2*x)

Animated plots + help with functions

I found this awesome animated gif of a sine+cosine moving camera+tracking line. There were a bunch of plot calls, but one function stood out, @gif. I hadn’t seen a MATLAB/Python equivalent so I ran the code to get the gif. Success.

default(legend = false)
x = y = range(-5, 5, length = 40)
zs = zeros(0, 40)
n = 100

@gif for i in range(0, stop = 2π, length = n)
    f(x, y) = sin(x + 10sin(i)) + cos(y)

    # create a plot with 3 subplots and a custom layout
    l = @layout [a{0.7w} b; c{0.2h}]
    p = plot(x, y, f, st = [:surface, :contourf], layout = l)

    # induce a slight oscillating camera angle sweep, in degrees (azimuth, altitude)
    plot!(p[1], camera = (10 * (1 + cos(i)), 40))

    # add a tracking line
    fixed_x = zeros(40)
    z = map(f, fixed_x, y)
    plot!(p[1], fixed_x, y, z, line = (:black, 5, 0.2))
    vline!(p[2], [0], line = (:black, 5))

    # add to and show the tracked values over time
    global zs = vcat(zs, z')
    plot!(p[3], zs, alpha = 0.2, palette = cgrad(:blues).colors)
┌ Info: Saved animation to 
│   fn = /home/ryan/Documents/Career_docs/cooperrc-gh-pages/Julia-learning/tmp.gif
└ @ Plots /home/ryan/.julia/packages/Plots/D9pfj/src/animation.jl:114

A couple things stood out in the example I found.

  1. Multiplication was implied, e.g. 2pi and 10sin. I don’t know if can bring myself to write code this way, but it would help avoid a lot of first-time programmer errors.

  2. The linspace equivalent is just range(start, stop, length = <>). This is nice because it can be taxing to jump back-and-forth between range and linspace.

  3. Anonymous functions are so straight-forward: f(x, y) =... creates a 2-input function. It feels so natural and lovely.

  4. The @gif function appears to be do some sort of magic. There’s an iterator i that goes from \(0-2\pi\) and I’m guessing it grabs whatever plots are defined inside the loop and squishing them into one glorious gif.

Time to check the docs. This took me a couple tries, but I found the Accessing documentation on


Builds an Animation using one frame per loop iteration, then create an animated GIF.


  p = plot(1)
  @gif for x=0:0.1:5
    push!(p, 1, sin(x))

Cool! Check out the example given

p = plot(1)
@gif for x=0:0.1:4pi
push!(p, 1, sin(x))
┌ Info: Saved animation to 
│   fn = /home/ryan/Documents/Career_docs/cooperrc-gh-pages/Julia-learning/tmp.gif
└ @ Plots /home/ryan/.julia/packages/Plots/D9pfj/src/animation.jl:114
search: push! pushfirst! pushdisplay
push!(collection, items...) -> collection

Insert one or more items in collection. If collection is an ordered container, the items are inserted at the end (in the given order).

Wrapping up

Great second day of Julia work. I’m interested to dive into the objects and functions plot and push. They are so useful, but I don’t really understand how they speak to each other right now. That @gif function would be so useful in MATLAB/Matplotlib. Its such an intuitive way to create an animation that is easy to share and display.